I’m a 71 year old female. I have annual blood checks because I have an underactive thyroid and am on thyroxine. Very well controlled for the past 25 years. For the last seven years I have been on a low dose medication for high blood pressure, and three years ago I was started on a low dose statin as my cholesterol was just above 5. Weight had been steady for years and I am active. I suffer with painful knees, one much worse than the other with pain in the hip and lower back on that side. Haven’t had any scans but been advised that I have spinal stenosis and mild osteoarthritis in t he knees. Rheumatoid factor done two years ago was negative.
For the past four years my annual full blood count has had to be repeated because the platelet count registers outside the normal range for our local lab (370). Four years ago it was 383 but it has gradually crept up to 412. CRP and ESR levels have all been well within normal limits. This year my cholesterol has risen too. GP practice wants me to increase my statins but doesn’t seem interested in exploring the platelet count. I have quite a colourful family history in terms of cancer and cardiovascular disease (not that the GP has enquired). GP reckons my platelet count is normal for me but it never resulted in repeat bloods until four years ago.
Not sure where to go with this or, as a retired nurse/health visitor, am I simply over-reacting?