Triple good things ticked off

So, today I managed a triple whammy, I increased my fruit intake, reduced food waste and reduced my calorie count too.
Yep, I bought and ate the reduced hot cross buns(delux) and everyone knows that the orange ticket reduces the calories by half(yellow tickets a third).
Anyone else manage a little win this week? :wink:


I love hot cross buns, and love your reduced win win!

My only win this week was my electrician saying he can fix some faulty wiring on my illuminated heated mirror for £40 which will save me buying a whole new mirror for several hundred pounds. Am sure the new lighting will take 10 lbs off me as well. Oh and my latest blood tests showed my lymphoma is still stable so that was a very big win celebrated with a delicious morello cherry pudding :slight_smile:


@CaroleCW that’s a bit posh, you have a heated mirror and can afford and find an electrician? :wink:
I am sure the 10lbs will not be needed.
And great news on the stability of your lymphoma, any chance of stabilising the rest of the world this weekend now that you have the hang of it? :slight_smile:
Time to celebrate the little wins and in your case, big win


Yes, I saw a consultant this week(for something else) and he was lovely and I felt I had complete confidence in him
He had read my whole hospital file, I think (he deserves a medal for that alone) he really listened to me, and there was a blip on my ECG and he said I do not like things I cannot explain and we are going to get to the bottom of this and he talked me through the way forward.
Perhaps actually it was because he said I had the fitness of someone 20yrs younger than me, I’ll take that. I’ll be celebrating that one for ages.
Your win sounds good @clickinhistory and @CaroleCW your mirror sounds fabulous.
I am height challenged and often people have mirrors that mean I have to jump up and down to see myself in!!


A win win for sure - a great consultant and 20 years off your age, love it. As you say, feeling like you can trust your consultants makes all the difference , both my Haemo and renal consultants are fantastic - they both really know their stuff but are pragmatic, caring and with a dash of quirkiness and fun too, I feel really well looked after by them.


Consultant app yesterday
Bloods stable yipeeee
Back to 3 monthly app and bloods
Carry on with maintenance chemo
Had a drive through lunch (still shielding)
Love driving my car it’s my happy space