I am thoroughly sick of shielding and just want to get back to some sort of normal life. Decided to throw caution to the wind and have just returned from a fabulous cruise. Maybe I have been foolish I know having ET makes me extremely vulnerable if I catch the dreaded covid. I have my fingers crossed that I am OK. We have had such a good time I want to go again. Has anyone else taken any risks and got away with it?
Hi @ilivesunshine your cruise does sound fabulous and I am so glad that you had such a good time. I picture it now.
It comes to something when you have to put your last sentence doesn’t it.
Where are you going next?
I’ve just come back from a friend’s wedding. First time mixing with strangers, first time in close proximity, first time not seeing anyone bar staff at the venue wearing masks.
It was quite sureal but it was great listening, speaking and enjoying time with people but like you said it’s a risk but it was a risk I was always in control of and accepting of the people I was with.
I know people are letting go more and more but I still want to be in control of what I feel safe and not safe but it’s really easy to feel anxious when the bahaviour and attitude of others differs to that of your own.
You are so, so right @Rammie18.
As I say the world is listening to what the government are saying and we are listening to the medical advice and as restrictions ease for the country it gets a scarier place for us out there.
I completely agree with you. I’ve managed a certain normality in most of life but I won’t feel I’m there yet until I’ve travelled to a foreign country again. At the moment though I’m just completely bamboozled by all the talk of tests and tracing forms and other hoops that have to be jumped through just for a simple holiday. I miss my travel spots
We are hoping to book a short break not too far from home using our Tesco vouchers. We had an excellent night away last month with the vouchers which have mounted up during lockdown. We stayed in a lovely guest house in Grosmont North Yorkshire with a view of the steam trains.
We have a 40 night cruise booked to the Carribean in February but can’t get too excited about it yet. Just hoping it will sail.
We had a lovely day out this week at Doncaster Wildlife Park with my youngest grandchildren. Lunch with dinasaurs and dragons. Fantastic. Last Sunday we went to an evening at Castle Howard. Queen music with an orchestra. Magnificent setting with a view of the lake.
Today we have been to a nearby town for lunch and to see the colourful umbrellas they have put up in the street.
It’s a nightmare with all the testing. Can’t see any end in sight at the moment
Pleased you managed to get to the wedding. I missed my friends birthday party last month which I was very sorry about. But as you say you need to be in control. I knew unvaccinated untested people would be there so I wouldn’t have felt safe or been able to relax. I feel safer at outdoor events. We did go to a wedding where the reception was in a marquee and outside and I was fine.
Gosh @ilivesunshine I am so enjoying your expeditions vicariously and I can picture them all vividly.
You can tell my love of music ‘Queen music with an orchestra’ sounds amazing. I love outdoor concerts when it starts to get dark etc. and with a view of the lake is the icing on the cake…
Mind you lunch with dinosaurs and dragons sounds such fun too.
A guest house with views of the steam trains sounds idyllic too.
You enjoy the benefits of your Tesco vouchers and please keep posting so I can enjoy them too.
Thank you. Pleased you are enjoying my little stories. I am feeling pleased with myself today. Before covid my husband and I went sequence and ballroom dancing 2 or 3 times a week. Today we danced for the first time in 18 months and we remembered all our steps! It was really good to get back to it.
Aww that’s amazing huge smiles and a permanent memory for sure
Oh @ilivesunshine I am still picturing the scene, how absolutely lovely, you’ll be on ‘Strictly’ next.
What’s everybody else getting up to?
My claim to fame is dancing a cha cha with James Jordan! We were on holiday in Cyprus and him and a came to our hotel to give a workshop.
Oh @ilivesunshine that really is a great claim to fame, was Ola there?
Yes she was. My husband was disappointed she didn’t dance with him!