Update - Meeting actors from London's Burning

Hi there,

As you may all know, I do have a wee hobby of meeting actors/actresses from my Favourite TV Programmes. Saturday was no different as I went to Dockhead Fire Station in Bermondsey to meet stars of London’s Burning. Here are images of 4 of the actors I met, Sicknote, Sicknote’s Wife, Colin Parrish and Claire Wilson (Bayleaf’s wife).


Brilliant @Jbeaver12 I am glad to see you are out and about star spotting again.
Keep star spotting

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@Erica Not really star spotting, it was a Fire Station Open Day and although a new building, The previous building was used for the filming of London’s Burning. Looking forward to more opportunities to do some photography in Glasgow. I purchased a 800mm Zoom which if I go to the right spot in the south side, I should be able to do a city photo . Its a viewing spot in a local park which you can see most of the city from.

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Absolutely love this @Jbeaver12

What an incredible hobby to have! :slight_smile:

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@Rammie18 - Thanks, I must have over 100 photos now of me meeting celebrities.

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Wow… seriously I think this is amazing!

Your ears will be burning (excuse the pun) over next few days as I tell people about your hobby!

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@Rammie18 , if you can find me on facebook, send me a Friend Request and you can see the entire collection. Its people from The Bill, First Minister of Scotland, Comedians, Police Chiefs, Actors, Actresses etc. Look for Joe Beaver

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