Vaccine and blood counts

Just wondering whether anyone has found that the covid vaccone affects their blood counts?
My husband has low platelets so im concerned the vaccine might send them lower still!


Hi @Seasidepanda92 personally no, I have not heard that one that the Covid vaccines affect people’s Blood tests, but it is always difficult to know whether the blood tests would have altered anyway.
It is a good question though.
I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurse advisors just in case they can add anything @BloodCancerUK_Nurses
It might be worth your husband asking his CNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist) or consultant or GP as they know his whole medical history.
Take lots of care of yourselves


Hi @Seasidepanda92 ,
Thank you for your question. I hope you and your husband are doing okay?

There is no evidence to suggest that your husband’s platelet levels will be significantly affected by the vaccine but as Erica has suggested, if you do have any concerns at all, please do get in touch with your husband’s haematology team who will have a good understanding of your husbands clinical circumstances.

Should you wish to talk anything through, our support team are always on hand- 0808 2080 888
Best Wishes, Lauran