Because of my my recent chemo I am registered with the doctor as vulnerable, so get regular calls to get the latest booster jabs. However, the next Covid jab (+ Flu jab) I am booked to have is number 6, which is just over 3 months from my previous vaccination and a spell of Covid infection. It just seems a lot considering the general population are at most 4 jabs ?
Hi @KeithH, thak you for your post, and I do hope you’re doing okay? How you’re feeling is very understandable, and your question is valid. I’m sure you won’t be alone in this. I’m sure others will share their experiences of the vaccine, but for now I’ll share our covid vaccine efficacy webpages, just in case they’re of interest- Covid vaccine efficacy and blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK.
This section may be of interest to you and to others here too-
"Why should people with blood cancer have extra doses?
People with blood cancer do not respond as well to vaccinations as the rest of the population. This is because for a vaccination to work, your immune system needs to react, and the immune systems of people with blood cancer often don’t work fully.
But studies have shown that even if people don’t generate covid antibodies after their first few covid vaccine doses, they can go on to develop antibodies after more doses. Having multiple covid vaccine doses if you have blood cancer gives you the best chance of protecting yourself from covid, which we know is a serious risk to people with blood cancer."
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you’d find it helpful to talk any of this through (0808 2080 888 or We are here for you.
Best wishes,
Thank you for the prompt reply.
Hi@KeithH,I have MGUS which is precurser to Blood cancer but I have been flagged up by the NHS and had my 4th April and 5th October.Its the way of things now as @TanyaBloodCancerUK explained and I am glad of them as they remind my body to fight the virus if it comes knocking Take care.
Hi @KeithH I am on long term active monitoring and actually I had my 6th Covid vaccine yesterday and a slightly sore arm today, but I can still one finger type with that hand as I could before.
I count myself as really fortunate and will take all the vaccines I am eligible for.
Who knows what protection they are giving me!!!
But this is a personal, non-medical response.
Look after yourself
6 is a lot!I think that I have only had 3 and I have my 4th coming up next week.Plus I’ve just had the flu jab.Maybe you get more if you are on chemotherapy?I am on biologicals and one mild chemotherapy drug taken orally.I caught Coronvirus after my 2nd jab in February but it was very mild and similar to a mild Common Cold.
I had vaccine number 6 last month. I am happy to have more . I know the first 2 didnt work as i paid for private antibody tests which showed i had none. After my third jab i had another test which showed i did have antibodies but not how many.
I assume i have a high level of protection ow. I caught covid in the summer as well.
We are just back from a cruise. Lots of peoole were coughing and sneezing and although everyone on board had to be fully vaccinsted there was no testing before boarding or during the cruise.
I did a test when i got home which was negative and will do another tomorrow when we will have been home 5 days. I dont have any symptoms.
I wouldike to have another vaccination becore we go on an 80 day cruise in February. It i am not offered one who i need to contact. I have akready asked my GP who can’t help
I had my 6th jab in September. I was expecting it as they’ve said that vulnerable groups should get an autumn booster and the extra ones that we got that the general population didn’t were earlier on when Covid was more prevalent. Having said that nobody asked for proof of my eligibility when I went for the jab. When it came to filling in that part of the screen I just told the person administering the jab that I was immunocompromised and she chose that from the drop down list. Her reply was “It doesn’t really matter what the reason is, you just need to put somethig to coplee the screen…”
I have had my 6th a few weeks back as well as Flu at the same time. I am Myeloma suffer, on maintenance treatment currently. It all went well made me a bit tired and sore arms but was all good after a couple of days.
Hope all goes well, remember to rest when needed.
Hi Kieth
I’ve been clear of APL for almost 7 years , I too have recently had my sixth covid job as advised .
Thank you for all your responses to my initial email re 6 jabs
Hi @KeithH after my 4th vac finally i got covid early this year, it was the omicron, i felt nothing but slightly fever for one day and runny nose for a week, but… after one month came fungal infection in my throat (i found out because doing my 1-2mth scope for my routine scope) then the next month got shingles and resulting carpal tunnel till today and then after one month again was hospitalised fue to stomach infection and more prone to infection till today, i have to pending my medication until im fit again(according to my Mpn specialist) my Primary Myelofibrosis getting worse afterwards.
Oh @Dan0921 so sorry to hear what you have been going through since contracting Covid earlier in the year.
Covid can have some really nasty lasting aftereffects, especially for us, and I hope you are being looked after medically.
Please look after yourself and be very kind to yourself
No worries @Erica , thank u always for the support, God bless you always
I’ve had 6 as well, and my flu jab - the last booster at the start of Oct. We have had Covid in the house twice over the last 6 weeks and I’ve escaped catching it!! Keep em coming I say!!
Go for it! I am 2y 9m post donor stem cell transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and have had no antibody response to my first five covid vaccinations. I had my 6th at the beginning of September and have had a good antibody response which is amazing news. Even if you’ve had a response previously it’s known that antibody response wanes, and the latest round of vaccinations are with the Moderna bivalent vaccine, which has a broader spectrum against Omicron variants, so is worth having. Good luck!
Hi @KeithH
I had my flu vaccine a few weeks ago and had no side effects at all. I had my 6th covid vaccine about two weeks after that and had a temperature , headache and felt achy for about 24 hours after. But it’s good to know I’m all vaccinated up against both ready for the winter. I feel a bit like a car having my antifreeze and window washer topped up ready for winter
Hopefully it keeps us all safe and well
Hi all ive only had 5 i didnt know we were on 6… i don’t get told anything here where i live im always having to tell them im entitled to stuff its all so frustrating… im so fed up with it all… but i tell you now id have 10 jabs if it will protect me from the virus as ive just had it snd i wouldnt want it again i was aweful. I know people get it alot worse than ive just had it but that was enough for me to give me a taste of how it would of been if i hadnt of had those jabs… i tell people have the jabs… i didn’t get it when my partner had it earlier this year and i was looking after him… and its taken me until now when as its turns out at one stage when i actually got virus the weekend before there were 3 people with the virus in my house and none of them knew theyd all had the virus and thats how it got me… so i say take everything thats offered and fight for everything you know your entitled to…
Hi @Ells
Here is a link to some really helpful information about the latest Autumn booster vaccine.
Pleased to hear you are ok after covid exposure.
Take Care
Had my jab 6 & flu together yesterday morning. No problems during the day but couldn’t sleep last night. Also mild headache and a little nausea and usual aching arms. Couple of paracetamol this morning. Wife had similar symptoms.