Just looking for a bit of reassurance, guidance or information. Noticed a painless lump on my neck about 2 months ago which has just remained in place, I don’t think it has got any bigger. It’s hard and seems pretty fixed. The only symptoms I am experiencing is tiredness and muscle aches, however the doctors unfortunately have only just informed me that I am iron deficient despite my bloods being taken 4minths ago. This would definitely explain those symptoms. I’m also taking thyroxine for an underactive thyroid which was caused by postpartum. (Currently 7month Postpartum and exclusively breast feeding) I was told it’s unlikely this lump is anything to do with my thyroid due to where it is. Working in the NHS myself I Don’t like to speak negatively but unfortunately the GP I saw that day wasn’t upfront and didn’t share with me any of his concerns at the appointment. It wasn’t until I received a letter the next day for urgent referral. Thank goodness I don’t have health anxiety is all I can say! I’m certain it’s nothing worrysome, at least that’s what I’m telling myself but as you all know it’s still in my thoughts a lot. Just seeking reassurance and some advice that should have been given during my appointment.