The Friday Forum Jukebox Club!

Both brilliant very different songs and again I am now singing these two.

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Oh @Willow, yes, it was a close call for me, Karen Carpenter had a lovely voice and the Karen Carpenter film just leaves me in a soggy heap every time, again what a loss of a life.

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Love the Carpenters. Watched the film again a couple of days ago.

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And me to - sad story

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Lots of women here that we lost way too early!

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I saw Gloria Gaynor live singing this song in Cannes 1976.
I got entry pretending to be road crew and watched from theatre stage wings, brilliant

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Chrissie Hynde, Pretenders - everything a strong international women should be: independent, funny, and a super voice to boot.
Any number of her tracks - but this is poignant


Then Amy Winehouse - another gone too soon talent with the darkest richest voice


Love Whitney and Amy.
I have chosen this, I was not really a fan of Lady Gaga until I watched this film.


Also love this one. Takes me back to my youth :grinning:


Great choices @ChrisCKW !


Gosh - I’d forgetter how many great women artists there were/are!

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Oh @Blackhat, how wonderful, you really should write a book about your life.


@SP7 and @ChrisCKW yes, so many inspirational women and even more wonderful songs for me to sing along to, thanks both of you.


@SP7 thanks for the Sinead clip - I remember being obsessed with this song as a teenager. She was so striking. And Annie Lennox too, but that’s the Scot in me!! I love Adele as my daughter listens to some of her songs now too.


Some great suggestions this weekend!


Hi @Lou, I think all these women chosen by us all have been striking and all bring back an era or time and place.

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Since the early 1990’s I’ve always been a huge fan of Tori Amos and seen her dozens of times in concert. Her songs have usually come along at difficult moments in my life and resonated. Weatherman was from an album that was released in 2014 and is about changing moods and loss. I used that album as a motivator when I spent 7 months training for a huge walking challenge of walking 106km around the coastline of the Isle of Wight in one day which I spent 7 months training for. It always reminds me of that time and the ultimate triumph. i also used it when I was in hospital in 2018 and going through chemo and working my way back to normality but lost my mom at the same time. It’s been on frequent play during the various lockdowns too.


Gosh @Franko, that song really resonates for you, another brilliant choice.

Great choice Franko. Obviously a song that means a lot to you x

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